What cd player should I buy?

I have the parasound halo c2 pre amp and I am using the parasound a 23 (two of them) to drive my Paradigm studio 40's. I have the myryad Z110 cd player and I am lookin to upgrade to some thing that has richer warmer sound. I was considering the Shanling t100 . Tube or solid cd player? Any suggestions out there please help. Thanks Joe
Second vote for the Jolida. I got mine with some mods from veraStarr and am ecstatic with this player.
Golden ears and Aball are right. I sell Parasound and Jolida. I own Parasound gear. If you go to a small hi-fi shop and ask their advice they will give it to you and mean every word of it because they have to fight the internet and big box stores to stay in buisness.

Any store that sells mid-fi to hi-fi gear should let you take it home to audition.

The Jolida is one sweet CD player. Other options are NAD, Sony ES (great audio and video on the DVD players), and COnsonance.

Good luck.