Recomendations for simple CD transport

I like what I got in terms of DAC and the rest and am looking for a simple redbook CD transport with the finest sound available new or used under 2K. Just needs to play CD, CDR and CDRW. My DAC is Aragon D2A2. Ideas anyone?
Noth Star makes a fabulous transport. I like it much better that CEC TL-1X and Accustic Arts Drive 1. It also has a built-in upsampler that makes quite a difference.
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Dear Mark - Is that recommendation for the transport alone by passing the upsampling option into my D2A2 DAC, or only if hooked to its DAC mate via computer cable? Any good place to but it?
For a very reasonable price a couple of excellent units are the Cal Audio Delta (250 to 300 used) and the very good Sony DVP-S7000 and S7700. Both Sony units are fine CD transports as well as excellent DVD players. Many audiogoners use these as CD transports; 125 to 300 range.

used PS Audio Lambda II is a wonderful transport but pricier at around 600+.