OK Stereophiles I Need a CD Player

Can you tell me what the best cd player new or used I can get for under $2000, want to purchase something in the next week or so and have heard alot about the meridian 588, jolida 100a, arcam fmj23! I've never had a player in this class so its unknown territory, I love quick tight bass, smooth clean mids. I run a carver c1000a receiver/amp and atc 20-2 monitors, right now a marantz 7010 dvd/cd player, the atc's are the finest natural sounding speaker I've ever heard and I need a compliment to them, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
I ended up getting the jolida 100a mod 1 and am very pleased, thanks for the feedback! This player really is sweet, the voices are so crisp and real and the soundstage is pretty incredible for a $1300 player, I'm going to be happy with this unit for quite sometime, thanks again everyone.
If you want something under $1000 including shipping (which is expensive because I lack the original box and the machine is heavy), I will sell you my "minty" Sony CDP-XA7ES below blue book. Read the reviews and see what you think.
I have to recommend the Cary 308T. It's a great CDP with tube output, HDCD and switchable upsampling.

Used these go for under $1400 and new are in the just over $2,000 range.

Paul Green