XA777ES vs Meridian 508.24 vs Gamut CD1 in redbook

Hi, I have Sony XA777ES. Has anyone compared the redbook performance of XA777 against the Meridian 508.24 or Gamut CD1? I am thinking to buy a used CDP to improve XA777 redbook performance. Thanks
I own a heavily modified 777 and I've owned a 508-24. Modwrighted 777 beats 508. Haven't heard unmodded 777 or Gamut.

I have modded xa777es. I wouldn't buy another CD player for redbook. The only way to better it would be to get an outboard DAC for redbook and still use it for SACD. You won't improve on the transport by much without a megabuck CD player. So, why not get an outboard DAC if money is burning a whole in your pocket or get it modded.

I bought a XA777ES and was so bummed out by the Redbook ! I couldn't believe Sony would make a player sound so good in SACD and so poor in Redbook. My friends and all liked my SCD 333 ES better for Redbook. I thought about a Benchmark or Musical Fidelity DAC but didn't want the extra cables etc, so for half of the price I sent it to TRL and had it modded. All I can say is sweeeeeet! It realy sounds great. It passed the acid test when I started to pull out alot of my old cd's andstay up all night listening.
Check out Tube Research Labs, it's $550.00 and I think well worth it !