Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
Is this some kind of twelve step program where wh each have to confess a deep dark secret. Okay, don't tell anyone but I secretly lust after Albert Porter's cable.
My name was actually confered upon me by my younger brother after I left home and was traveling around the country. When I wrote to him instead of signing my name I wrote my initials NRK. The next time he worte to me he addressed the letter to anarchy, but wrote it more phonetically. It's not as interesting once it's been explained.
I really like the work "kinetic", perhaps because of a well-crafted line by Rush drummer/lyricist Neil Peart:

"...we break the surface tension with our wild kinetic dreams."

To me, music has an almost mystical ability to take you into altered states - to deeply MOVE you.

I figured that since "telekinesis" is the power to move things with the mind, then "AudioKinesis" would be the power to move things with sound.

I use my business name as a moniker for obviously self-serving reasons, but I do think it's a fairly cool business name. In real life, I'm Duke LeJeune.
I guess mine is obvious too... but it is really more pretentious than it looks :-) I came up with it when at having lunch with a couple of people during a computer conference. They were from the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center - a very prestigious lab if you are not familiar with it. Anyway, we were going around the table, people saying what they did... you know: "manager of this legendary project...", "researcher of that bleeding edge technology..." I was admittedly somewhat intimidated, and so decided to go with the minimalist approach. When they got to me, I said: "I'm just a coder" and said it in such a way one might imagine Bruce Lee saying that he "just does martial arts"... :-)

I use this handle everywhere, and through it one can find me wherever I am as well as our dealership (audio federation - and I bet you can only guess 1/4 of the origin of this name :-).
It was back in '36, or was it '37, I was down in the Delta when I met up with a guitar carrying man who introduced himself as Lonnie J. He said that if I had some money he knew where we could get some homebrew and maybe some women. I was a little nervous, but it was getting near dark and even I knew we had to be getting out town. We ended up in a one-room country shack and things got a little bit crazy. There was a woman, I never did know her name, but she had a laugh to remember. There must have also been another man there too, cause the woman keep calling out to someone name "Bob". She kept saying "play it Bob, play the blues." The liquor was hitting me hard and the last thing I can recall was Lonnie, or was it Bob, saying he just finished writing a new song, he didn't have a title for it yet and he just called it "#29". I must have passed out, 'cause the next morning I woke up alone (and with no money) on the ground outside the shack. I stumbled back into the hut and it was empty - empty except for unsigned note. All it said was "We'll meet again, on highway '61".

I use the name in memory of Lonnie, the woman with the big hearted laugh and somebody named Bob. I despite the fact that I spent many a day sitting on bleachers out in the sun, I never did meet those people again out on highway '61.