Looking for best CD or Dac under $15k new.

Matching with Levinson 335 amp, 380s preamp, and Nautilus 802. Detail and Soundstage are primary objectives.
I don't think the 390S is mechanical at all. Prior to using all 47Labs gear, I preferred the 390S over the Wadia and Accuphase that I owned. I found it smooth, detailed but not emphatically so, but just a bit reticent. It is relaxed. I would use it without the preamp if you can. It sounds better this way.
how hard was it to set-up the PZC's? Did they come before or after the Romm Lens? How do you know when the sound is just right?
they setup very easily I just adjusted till the setting just started getting tight the sonic effect was so Good I really haven't tried any further adjustments. I added the lenses afterward the pzc are mostly too control the wall induced effects such as slap echo. Lenses are mostly too diffuse the direct sound from the speakers before it reflects off the wall which lessens the effect of the reflection that occurs. Alot of trial and error involved positioning the lenses. Got it 100% correct I seriously doubt it.