Will a more resolving CDP improve my system?

Hi. I have a fairly decent system that I have built up recently-Soliloquy 6.3 speakers, Conrad-Johnson PV10a preamp and MF-2200 amp, and an Arcam CD73T. I was looking to maybe purchase a nicer CDP (like a Consonance Reference 2.2) that was more resolving, with better detail. But, I am wondering-will a more improved CDP make much of a difference in my system? Or, is it too low-end to benefit much from an improved CDP? Everyone I hear raving about high-end CDP's seem to have high-end parts elsewhwere-my system's value at retail is about $7K. Should I spend another $500 on a CDP, or elsewhere (preamp is the next obvious upgrade, as is upgrading the amp with current parts). I live in a remote area and don't have the luxury of taking units home and demoing them. Thanks!

Generally yes. I think there is a general misconception that within a tight budget you skimp on the the source when it should be last think you do so: if the source signal doesn't start out right, doesn't matter what you do at the end of the chain, logically speaking
Chiho, the pv10 is as described above, lush, warm, full-bodied on the bottom end which gives the system a pleasant musical presentation. I had one for years. More resolution will definitely come from an upgrade in the pre, however...more resolution may expose something else like your CDP? Not familiar with yours. What has worked very well for me is a smooth, warmer, digital frontend, very analog-like IMO driving more resolving components with reference wire. It has taken me a while to get the system to a level that for me is incredible but it's there. My philosophy right or wrong is this, I listen exclusively to redbook CD's. My player, Meridian 200/263 has always played this format at a very high level, since 1993, until the software improves I am happy getting the same excellent sound out of my hardware and improve things downstream.
The Soliloquys are great speakers. They have a built in tonality.The Sols smooth things over just a bit. Nothing wrong with that on bad recordings though. But if you want more resolving sound. Pickup a passive preamp.This will allow to hear other changes in the system better IMHO.These aren't that expensive if you go no frills. This way you can figure out which way to go from there safely without blowing woofers out!LOL