CD player with variable output

Hi, my old Philips cd80 is on its way out. I'm looking for a cd player, (non esoteric) for my guitar/bass system. Feeding the output directly into an amp (effects loop) I require a cd player with variable output. Any suggestions?

The older Sony's like the XA7ES and much older versions like the 707, 777 etc all had a remote control pot. They were very well built but older technology.
Don't dismiss the ability to go direct merely because the cdp uses digital volume attenuation. I use a Heart 6000 which has a digital volume control and find that going direct is more dynamic and transparent w/ better transients/attack compared to using a pre-amp.

Yes it does sound better at higer volumes but even at lower volumes I still prefer plugging the cdp direct.

Jimi_p, one suggestion I would like to make is the use of variable attenuators between your amp and CD player. A couple of companies make them, and I picked up a new pair, with outstanding parts/build quality for $160. Using just one, high quality resistor in the signal path, the sonics are outstanding.

These gives you the flexibility of using any CD player you wish.