Three transport choices, which one?

Theta Data II Universal, EAD T-7000, Proceed CDD.

I have an EAD DSP-7000 DAC feeding a Bedini preamp and amp into Shahinian Diapason speakers. I'm looking to find out which transport would be a good match, but preferably improve the soundtsgaing and transparency. I'm currently using my Proceed CDP as a transport.
Tony downside? Really don't remember any this was like 10 + years ago. The combination was phenomenaly musical. It took the 3k encore pyramid DAC to edge it. This was 7000 dsp mark 2 then. Have recently heard a mark 3 was 85% equal of the Audio Aero Capitol 2 when both were driven by Theta data 3 Transport. that would mean it's about 80% equal the Wadia 861 in my opinion,yes I say the 861 is about 5% better than the Capitol 2 player. About the 1000 transport had one briefly it is nothing like the 7000 transport sonically was very disappointed by it.
Get a used MLevinson 37.I had a Proceed CDD/DAP and changed first to a 37 and then later on added a 36s.The 37 made a huge improvement,the 36s slight.Want a absolute reference standard transport,used 31 or 31.5.I am very happy with the 37/36s combo....
Good luck
Proceed CDD going for very low prices now, since Harman discontinued the brand.Still ,an excellent Transport......