Hey TVAD, no offense taken. Was joking as well. But I still wanted to edit/soften my append post facto, and the darn thread wouldn't let me.
LKDOG: As for shootouts, the only thing worse than a shootout. . . is a missed shootout. It looks like I may arrive in San Francisco on June 19th, 24 hrs after the upcoming RAM/APL Grand Jostle.
Darn it again!
I was hoping I could alleviate my DAC attack, at least temporarely
ALEX: very generous offer. If I qualified I would take you up on the offer. But I've got only an EAD T1000 and EAD D7000 Mk3 combo, vintage 1994. I mean, my CDP is sooo goood can trounce just. . . oh well never mind!
Besides, seriously, you already know the device I am waiting and drooling for. . .
LKDOG: As for shootouts, the only thing worse than a shootout. . . is a missed shootout. It looks like I may arrive in San Francisco on June 19th, 24 hrs after the upcoming RAM/APL Grand Jostle.
Darn it again!
I was hoping I could alleviate my DAC attack, at least temporarely
ALEX: very generous offer. If I qualified I would take you up on the offer. But I've got only an EAD T1000 and EAD D7000 Mk3 combo, vintage 1994. I mean, my CDP is sooo goood can trounce just. . . oh well never mind!
Besides, seriously, you already know the device I am waiting and drooling for. . .