TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know


Yes, the RAM/APL thing is entertaining.


Interesting offer to folks, but we all know that owners of any gear are rarely objective. I have already talked to and heard from several folks who prefer certain TRL units to various iterations of APL units. And vice versa.
That being said, these are all good units and in an elite class. There are just various opinions at this level of quality and it is phenomenological.
I would be interested in your offer as a TRL unit owner, but would be more interested in hearing your flagship loaded 3910 out of curiosity. The offer for the Pioneer would be fun to hear also, though.
I have a TRL Marantz SA14 that I am breaking in.
You can email through Agon if you wish.

Guido, I will be honored to send the little Pioneer 563a to you so you can let us all know how your EAD gear trounced it....:-)

Let me know if you really are interested.

Your "dream machine" will be available soon.


I would agree it is all subjective and system dependant. It also depends on what revision the APL unit was when compared to TRL.

Anyway, you will be second on the list. I have TRL595 and Exemplar3910 owner who has secured #1 already...:-)

I will contact all on the list when the 563a is ready for shipping.

The little Pioneer gives a good idea of how the Denon sounds. You will just have to imagine a similar sound on steroids which has more natural and refined character due to the tube stage inside. If you end up liking the little 563a and continue to be interested hearing the Denon, I will try to arrange audition. I’ve promised a “rolling” APL3910 to many people, so I will include you on that list as well.


I would agree it is all subjective and system dependant. It also depends on what revision the APL unit was when compared to TRL.

Yes, all modders are continually enhancing their work. People like different things. At a certain level of quality, it really just comes down to what a particular person idealizes in sound reproduction. I would never try and convince anyone that Modded Unit A is the best for all people, or absoultely better than Modded Unit B.

The variety makes life interesting for us end users.

How about just putting me on the list for the "rolling" APL 3910 when one becomes available for demo use.
I am curious to hear the sound signature of the unit sometime for fun.
I live in midwest so if/when one is on tour in the area keep me in mind.


If I'm reading the information on the APL site correctly the 3910 is $3500 versus $700 or so for the TRL 595. Let's assume that the 3910 takes you 100% of the distance as far as sound goes and the TRL 595 is 70% of the distance. Are you saying it is worth $2800 to go the additonal 30%? If you do say that fine, I respect your opinion as an owner of the 3910, but for $700 it just makes the TRL 595 that much better a deal IMO. If you think the percentages are different let me know your opinion. I'm sincerely interested and while I don't have the TRL 595, I do have a component modded by TRL that cost me 60% less than the 3910. So I know, like, and trust their work. I find the whole subject interesting and want to know more about APL from someone who has dealt with them.