TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know

The "review" by Joel was arranged by Alex.
Alex informed me he was doing so in an email on June 13th.
I am not sure how many times Alex plans on having his customers make public negative "reviews" of Steve Millin's TRL 595.
I really do not understand why APL has an obsession with TRL, and continues on this transparent campaign to try and discredit TRL.
No one is fooled by these tactics, but they certainly speak volumes about the participants and APL.

You guys need to move on.
It's humourous that a competitor has to stage a "Third party review" that "doesn't own TRL or APL" with a friend who visits his facility and has one of his modified preamps.

(See Joel_Watermans Inmate system at

These guys are fooling nobody. They are persistent though ... :)

I can see the ethical difficulty you are having, LKDOG and Jack. If I can summarize your thinking:
The credibility of results favoring APL in Joel Waterman's analysis, is in your view inherently tainted by conflict of interest: prior association of the author with APL has been demonstrated, as well as the author's prior ownership of an APL-modified third party preamplifier. Furthermore, the analysis may not have been initiated by the reviewer, but performed upon APL's request
Let us now make a simple thought experiment: Let us pretend for a moment that Mr. Waterman has favored TRL instead of APL under identical circumstances.
Are you still deeming the results to be inherently tainted by conflict of interest, or are you now praising Joel's keen analitical mind and independent thinking?
In general, should we automatically discount positive findings of any review anytime prior association, prejudicial ownership, or manufacturer initiation is revealed or declared? Or should we cautiously judge a review mostly on its own merits?

Bottom line: isn't the human mind a tricky beast? (Chuckles!)
I suggest that you read my post at Audio Asylum's Hi-Rez forum

To quote Lkdog ...

I really do not understand why APL has an obsession with TRL, and continues on this transparent campaign to try and discredit TRL.

No one is fooled by these tactics, but they certainly speak volumes about the participants and APL.

You guys really need to move on.

Best wishes,
Jack :)