Was wondering if any of this years attendees made it to Ayre's room at the Alexis Park and heard their new universal player?
I auditioned the C5xe in my system when it first became available and I was mightily impressed as well. Listened to both CD and SACD and really enjoyed both formats. CD playback provided a wide soundstage with clear highs and a well-defined bass. I almost bought the Ayre but then a week with the AA Capitole II changed everything. But for $3K+ less than the AA the Ayre is a real bargain (if one can consider $6K a bargain). Hansen has a real winner in this cdp.
Will the Ayre accomodate an external digital input? I want to be able to add hard disk as a source in my system, but I would love to not have to go back to separate DAC and transport. I think a few CDPs offer this.
Drubin, Steve Silberman at Ayre will be glad to answer your query re the external digital input or alternatives.
Well, Ayre has finally put the C5xe up on the website, including the user manual. The unit does not have digital input facilities, unfortunately. I think it would be a great thing to offer.