Wadia 861 GNSC Reference Upgrade

Can anyone comment on the Reference upgrade from GNSC. Was the difference huge or did you need to sit back and spend time with it. I understand that there is break in time involved with the upgrade. Did this upgrade bring your system closer to analog sound and would you recommend having it done? I have a simple one source system which consists of a Cary V-12R with the oil cap upgrade, Verity Audio Fideio speakers, Siltech IC's, Elrod PC's and Silver Audio symphony 48 speaker cables. Thank you in advance for any and all imput!
This might not be financially feasible for you, but I would consider getting all your upgrades done at once. You are entering a very slippery slope. I'm talking about going with the Statement and SE upgrades. Considering the cost and risk of making multiple shipments, plus the time of not having your source, it makes sense to do it all one time. Many people usually end-up eventually getting all this done. If you can't afford it, then go for the Reference upgrade.

that reminds me also the se transport upgrade is also worth their cost definitely. Steve Huntley is a excellent person to have available for this service.
Mine has the SE and the statement mods and it blew away the 861. I've not run it up against anything it couldn't hold it's own or beat!
Yes, the mods do sound significantly better. I also agree that if it is in your means, get the SE upgrade (this is a new transport mechanism) and either the Ref. or Statement mod. Definitely worth the price of admission. If you plan on doing this in stages I'm sure Steve would be happy to describe the best path. Good luck!
Hey, Let me ask some of you. What algorythm(Spelling) do ya'll use? I use the the C. Sometimes I use the A. Just depends on my mood.