Players made in U.S.A.?

Anyone know of a cd player made here ,at home, for less than a grand- currently?
I would be surprised if such a player exists. Best you could hope for is "assembled in USA."

I believe all of the CD transport mechanisms are manufactured by Sony, Phillips, Teac and other large companies. To my knowledge, none of these guys build a CD transport in the USA.
Muse is made in CA, though I'm sure they outsource their transports. You can find used examples for around a grand. I use a model two plus and it's remained a standard for me as a Redbook player for many years. Tried a model nine, but actually preferred the two plus. That's not to say their newer DACs may be superior (the Nine is an standalone player).

Are asking for a new player? Or is used acceptable? I think Cary and Krell make stuff in the USA, but it's more than $1k.
The Made in USA Audio research CD2 is an awesome player and a steal at $1400-1500.00