Jolida JD100 vs MF A3.2 vs Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000

Hi all. I'm looking for a new CD player, not more than about $1k, preferably new. My musical tastes are mostly classic rock, country, and some classical. What I'm looking for is something with the speed/pace for rock, but without a harsh, thin "digital" sound, and without giving up detail.

I've listened to the Rega Planet, which does the smooth quite well, but poor on detail and speed. And the Arcam 73 (or was it a 72 maybe), which sounded rather thin to me.

I've heard good things about the Jolida, Musical Fidelity and Ah Njoe Tjoeb, but dont' have local dealers for any of the 3. Can anyone comment on how they stack up? Or suggest potential alternates?

If you will go used. Get any decent Cd player that has digital out, or transport and plug it into the Agaron D2A2 DAC. There is an Aragon DAC for sale for $399 on Augiogon, in the second or third page of DAC listings. It is smooth and detailed with plenty of punch for rock, great imaging and sound stage
I love my new Tjoeb 4000. A great buy for $700. You can accessorize to your hearts content. I don't think I'll ever buy another CDP unless its another Tjoeb 4000 for my other system! I can't speak to the other units. Good luck!
Von trapp, I too am looking for a tube based CD player to go with the Jolida 302 I am waiting to be delivered. I am thinking about that Tjoeb 4000 as it has had nothing but rave reviews and seems to be well built.