Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?


I have a planet 2000 and enjoy its sound. I like its tone, PRAT, timber etc... but I want more of it. I find that the Rega lacks authority when playing. It still sounds like a CD player (and a CD player at that) but not live music. I want something that has the good qualities of the Rega, but just expands on them. I want a player to take control and give me music which leaves little to none to complain about.

I really like my friends Wadia, but I simply can't afford one.
I love the way it portrays the music.

My budget is $750-$1000 plus what ever I can sell me Rega for.

I have been suggested the Sony DVP-9000es. From what I have read it is reasonably priced and sounds good. But it's a Sony, and I am unsure about it.

I will consider everything, my only request is no tubes. I think they are better served in the preamp. Thoughts and opinions welcome.

add a dac to it...ive heard comments from people who have added the Ack Dack to there rega planets and Jupiter's and seen significant improvement...
my new Ack Dack 2.0 should arrive in a couple of weeks ill let you know how it sounds.
the previous Ack can be had for about $350-400 used, the new Dack 2.0 for $795
I will offer a strong endorsement for the Sony SCD-XA777ES, which can be had in the used market for around $1,300. I admit I have never listened to any of the Rega players, but I thoroughly enjoy my Sony, and can't imagine removing it from my system for a long time to come. The XA777ES is essentially identical to the newer 9000ES model, which you can confirm from the reviews on the 9000. The XA777 has exceptional build quality, wonderful sound, and the added bonus of being among the best SACD players available at any price. You certainly would not find the music reproduction of this player "lacking authority"!!

Good luck with whatever you eventually choose to do.

It's kinda funny the dAck and the 9000es were the two player on my mind and both are very different.

I have considered buy a Ack dAck. They can be had for a good price used. I am just now sure HOW good they really are.

I have also considered the Sony 9000es, but once again I am wondering about HOW good it really is.

From what I understand the Ack has a fuller sound with less detail and the Sony is a little thinner but has great imaging, detail, authority etc...

Hard to decided. I will not be able to listen to either player before I make a purchasing decision, so I am kinda hoping you guys will be able to help me out. Redbook CD performance will be the deciding factor here, as I only own a few SACD's.
I've heard all of the Sony's mentioned here, and found them to be exactly as you describe: excellent detail, authority, and superb dynamics. And no midrange. The AA Prima is a much more intimate player, with a seductive midrange, and certainly enough detail and dynamics to keep most happy for a long time. It does not attack like the Sony, but it lets you into the music to a considerably greater level. When listening to the Sony players, I find myself admiring the player more than being taken in by the music. With the Prima, it is all about the music.

You could also try a Bel Canto DAC2 with your Rega. With an excellent digital cable, you will be within your budget, and well beyond the playback capabilities of the Rega.
Good luck,