APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

I'm the only one IN THE WORLD to have this new linear upsampler in a player. I got it today and that's what Alex told me today. He only received 4 chips and has 10 more on the way (hopefully). My 3910/APL only has 170 hours on it and new chip just a few hours. I'm running it balanced (I have the optional XLR's). With the remote I can switch between upsample and back to regular pcm. Believe me, it's better with the new chip. You can tell the difference immediatelly when switching back and forth.
I'm not going to go into detail at this time as the machine isn't broke in yet and I haven't spent enough time with it yet. However, at this point the difference is so obvious I feel confident in saying that the upsampler is definitely better. You WILL like it.
P.S. This is NOT an April fools joke.
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To Alex

You told me 6 months ago that you perhaps would have a 230V version of your modded 3910 out soon. Since then I have send mejl to you asking about this European version but got no answer. How is things going with this project?
Hi Ulf,
I think that 220-240V version is available now. The unit I am about to receive in few weeks time is going to be 240V. I am from Melbourne - Australia.

Guys, the one thing I have learned in this hobby, is to TRUST Alex in his hearing, and upgrade path. He is Anal to the point of obsessing in excellence, sonically speaking. He is a genious, as an engineer, but SUCKS as a business man. wink wink