APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

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To Alex

You told me 6 months ago that you perhaps would have a 230V version of your modded 3910 out soon. Since then I have send mejl to you asking about this European version but got no answer. How is things going with this project?
Hi Ulf,
I think that 220-240V version is available now. The unit I am about to receive in few weeks time is going to be 240V. I am from Melbourne - Australia.

Guys, the one thing I have learned in this hobby, is to TRUST Alex in his hearing, and upgrade path. He is Anal to the point of obsessing in excellence, sonically speaking. He is a genious, as an engineer, but SUCKS as a business man. wink wink
711smilin, what can I say, you are right; I am not a businessman, just an engineer who is passionate about audio.

I really wish that I can offer excellent customer service, but the work load is so HUGE and overwhelming that 5 am is a normal bedtime. I can not wait for the moment I can find (and afford) people who I can trust so they can help me out.

There are many who provide free "silent" support and help. I really appreciate that. Also, I would like to mention a fine gentleman and brilliant engineer from Bulgaria - Mr. Danail Genov who provides tremendous help with all new designs of APL Hi-Fi. He is expected to arrive to US soon and I really hope that this will change a lot of things for the future.

Thank you all for the support and understanding.

