APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

Just got my APL 3910 with upsampler board and so far, out of the box I prefer the upsampler on. It gives the musical presentation more "presence" at this point - as the player breaks in, it will be interesting to see if and or how the differences sort themselves out.

Also, watched a DVD tonite and the upsampler makes a pretty big difference on the clarity of the voices - greater feeling of the characters being right there in the room with you.

Hope this helps.
It should be said that Fplanner2000 has the improved version of the upsampler. My comments are based on the previous version, which I'm having upgraded in a week or so.
Sorry if that was vague. I have the 16-bit (data word) upsampler, and if Fplanner2000 just received his player, he would have the 24-bit, which is said to be much improved.
Boa2, you have 24 bit version, but yours upsamples from 44.1 to 88.2 which results in "softer" sound. Fplanner2000 has it with the new configuration which sounds much better and just expands the data word to 24 bit while keeping the sample rate the same - 44.1

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