Separate Transport & DAC: Why not?

Hello: While searching related topics I've run across a growing number of posts that discourage the notion of a separate transport and dac. The most common reasons given has to do with "more": more wires, longer, more complex signal path, etc. What are your opinions, pro and con and the reasoning behind them? If, though, this topic has been already addressed in detail, perhaps someone has post a link to that thread? FWIW, I've come across a great Pass Labs D1 and I'm wondering whether I should find a nice transport or perhaps sell the D1 and buy a CD player. Thanks!
The best digital setups that I have heard have all been separates, except for the Exemplar Denon 2900 which is an oustanding one box modded player. In general I don't buy the less is more argument in this case because it does not ring true with my experience. I'd say it has to do more with the overall design of the components than the simplicity of the path. Using a separate DAC and transport is more expensive and real estate intensive, but each component can be tailored more precisely to its needs.

That said, it's very nice to have a great one box player for the simplicity and I wish they all were!
For the past four years I've only used separate transports and DACs because I liked the flexibility of being able to change DACs and cables whenever I found something that I thought might work better.

Lately I've had my eye on the different modified one-box Denon and Sony universal players from APL, eXemplar and Modwright.

Bottom line, you'll get many different opinions, but there are many quality choices no matter which path you choose.
In addition to real estate and cost of a digital cable, there are also potential jitter problems. Some solve that with a dejitterer ;-) but now you've got 3 boxes and 2 digital cables. I know that I tried that route and eventually went back to a one-box.
The power supply and space to do it right are advantages of separate DAC. It can also be battery-powered. Tough to do this with a player. Also, a DAC is an easy transition to computer-driven audio, which can be superior to ANY player and actually more convenient.
i had a separate transport and dac the plus side it sounds better. the down side mor cables both power and rca digital coaxs .i had trouble with ground loops etc. but when i finally set it up right it sounded better. i used a marantz as a transport a dip umpsampler for anti jitter and a msb dac and power supply the setup with cables cost about 1400. anothe plus side is if any single component breaks it is cheaper to replace. right now i have a modified pioneer because i listen to cds, sacds, audio dvds and movies. but i rather have this pioneer and the transport and dac for cds only