Jolida JD100 better that the Rega Planet 2000?

Hello all,

I am just wondering if anyone has compared the Planet 2000 to the stock Jolida JD-100 (with or without upgraded tubes).

I'm not convinced that these highly modded low end units are all they're cracked up to be. I had an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb with all the extras and was crushed to hear how anemic it was next to the Rega Planet 2000. The Ah! was summarily booted out of the system.
The cd player thing is a merry-go-round. You can become discontent just by reading too many of the "wow" posts about players.
The more I'm in this the more I realize that everything high end audio is not just "system specific" but component specific. Too many variables for simple across the board comparisons. So, yes, the Jolida or the Rega might be "better" to you. Only way to ever know is to buy them both and test it at home. Sell the loser.
So I am getting ready to sell my Rega and buy a Jolida.
If given the choice would you move to a JD-100 from a planet 2000 or keep the Rega?

I am entirely going on faith here, as I have never heard the Jolida.
I was looking for tubes for it to start with. People keep saying that the GE 5751 is good. On they sell the GE 5751 NOS for about $18 each. Is this the right tube (never owned tube so I just thought I would ask)? And do the tubes have to be matched.

Here are a few questions I also have

When do tubes have to be replaced? After so many hours or once they stop working? How will I know when tubes need replacing? How long will most tubes last for if left on 24/7 in the Jolida.

Is their any risk of a tube blowing an talking my amps and speakers with it?

Once I get the Jolida I am probably going to want to try other tubes. Is there somewhere I can go to read what all the different tubes sound like?

Also, if there is anything else about tubes I should know please feel free to inform me. I really am clueless about tubes, as currently I am all solid state.

Here is some recent discussion on tubes for that player:

The 12AX7 is said to last around 10,000 hours in that player. When a tube goes bad, you will likely hear nothing more than diminished sound quality.

You can check out Joe's Tube Lore on Audio Asylum, under FAQ (I believe) to get an idea of the different sonic characteristics of the various 12AX7/5751/etc. type tubes.
If you listen mainly to jazz/vocals/instrumental, I might suggest that you try the Mullard CV4004 or 12AX7 variety. They are quite liquid sounding, milky even. You give up a little when it comes to rock, but not much. If you like a more focused, detailed sound, I would suggest trying out the GE/RCA/Sylvania 5751 tubes. Telefunken 12AX7's also have similar qualities--to MY ear, anyways. In the Jolida, I preferred the Mullards, as I found the music to be most engaging with them. Also, it's important to buy from a reputable source (check the archives). Otherwise, you can end up with bad tubes and/or paying far too much.

Finally, why not hang on to the Rega until you know that you definitely want to keep the Jolida? When we bought our JD-100, we sold our Planet 2000 the next day. However, you may not end up doing the same. Just a thought.