Jolida JD100 better that the Rega Planet 2000?

Hello all,

I am just wondering if anyone has compared the Planet 2000 to the stock Jolida JD-100 (with or without upgraded tubes).

Here is some recent discussion on tubes for that player:

The 12AX7 is said to last around 10,000 hours in that player. When a tube goes bad, you will likely hear nothing more than diminished sound quality.

You can check out Joe's Tube Lore on Audio Asylum, under FAQ (I believe) to get an idea of the different sonic characteristics of the various 12AX7/5751/etc. type tubes.
If you listen mainly to jazz/vocals/instrumental, I might suggest that you try the Mullard CV4004 or 12AX7 variety. They are quite liquid sounding, milky even. You give up a little when it comes to rock, but not much. If you like a more focused, detailed sound, I would suggest trying out the GE/RCA/Sylvania 5751 tubes. Telefunken 12AX7's also have similar qualities--to MY ear, anyways. In the Jolida, I preferred the Mullards, as I found the music to be most engaging with them. Also, it's important to buy from a reputable source (check the archives). Otherwise, you can end up with bad tubes and/or paying far too much.

Finally, why not hang on to the Rega until you know that you definitely want to keep the Jolida? When we bought our JD-100, we sold our Planet 2000 the next day. However, you may not end up doing the same. Just a thought.
Thanks Boa2, you have been a lot of help.

I am not really sure what I want for tubes. I can tell you my musical preferences and maybe you can help. First off, I listen to all types of music from Classical to Metal.
I spend most of my time listening to light rock.

I guess I am wanting a a neutral tube.
Something that is open and natural, has some warmth, full body sound, with good extension on both ends.

I don't like it when the sound is thin, dry, or sounds really congested with no soundstage. I also don't like rolled of highs or lack of bass (I am not a bass freak, but I do like there to be enough to do justice to the music). I also don't like dark sounding equipment either, nor do I like anything bright.

When I listen to music i like to be able to connect with the artist. I am not a detail freak, I like to be able to hear the subtle nuances in the music, but I still like the slam of an orchestra.

I guess what I want is something that does everything well. With a minor preference on openness and naturalness (with a little warmth.)

Does that help at all? Probably not but hey, I tried.
I have heard good things about new EH tubes?
What do you think about them.

Many thanks, as I really am clueless when it comes to tubes.

P.S. The reason I am not keep the rega is: I can't afford to buy the Jolida and keep the rega. The Rega must go to help pay for the Jolida. So unless someone on here wants to lend me a grand for a few weeks I am out of luck. Thus my one million question, as I just want to be sure.
Based upon your sonic requirements--and genre preferences--I would suggest trying either the Sylvania 5751 or Telefunken 12AX7. Others can chime in with suggestions, but I think either of these will answer to your stated needs. E-mail me privately, and I can send you some Telefunken's to try out.

Haven't heard the new EH's. I've never heard an EH tube that I liked, though I certainly could be surprised sometime by one that works for me. Every one that I've heard thus far sounds ashy and thin to my ear.
Enjoy the Jolida. It's an excellent player.
while i'm not a fan of the jolida, i think the best advice that any of us can give you is to decide for yourself. remember, you're the one who'll be listening to it. whether you have a radio-shack deck from '81 or the super-expensive burmeister stuff: as long as *you* like it, who cares?

audiogon is great for that. you can buy something to try it out and if you don't like it, you can sell it for what you paid for it. (minus shipping, of course)

i wouldn't lose the rega just yet until you've spent some time with both. not to say you won't maybe prefer the jolida, but just to be sure that you end up doing what's best for you without second-guessing yourself next month.

FWIW, the rega jupiter is one of the few players i've owned that i miss. she and i had some wonderful times together.

ahh, nostalgia. :^)

remember, enjoy the music!
Nick, I thought I'll chime in as well: If you can keep the Planet around for a while. I started wanting to replace my Rega Planet (original) two years ago. First I "upgraded" to a Linn Genki. After quite a while I decided the Linn sound is not for me, to grey and less involving than the Planet; thankfully we had kept the Planet around in a second system, since my wife loves it so much. Next came a Unison Unico CD for 3 months and went as well. Well, I do the love the Planet sound.

After reading Howards great recommendations on the Prima and talking to him some more, I finally went with the AA Prima. So far it's been three months with the Prima . The Prima was a step up from the Planet in every way: Detail, bass, top end, soundstage, etc. Out of all the CDPs, the Planet and the Prima are the only ones that keep me sitting in front of the stereo for hours without switching instantly to vinyl.

I would love to hear the Jolida and reading all the great comments, it seems to be a great unit as well. Try both for a while, keep tube rolling, and see for yourself.

By the way: Where in Canada are you? I'll be moving to Calgary in a 6 weeks. If you are close, you are welcome to drop by and give the Prima a listen.

Good luck,
