Sony's best dedicated cdp before sacd...

What was Sonys top of the line player before the Sacd craze?
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Heh. XA7Es seems like a pretty damn robust transport to me.

That said, the SCD-1 is better on redbook. I have both.

The JDM-market only top of the line units were the CDP-R10 and DAC (or DAS?)-R10. Transport/DAC, used a clocklink setup. Rather rare, and still commands fairly high $. There was also a lesser -R1 version of the same idea. Both pairs were japan-market only.

I've had my XA7ES on 24/7, (unless I'm out of state),
for about 5 years.
My SCD-777ES is in the box, waiting to be sent in for repairs.
You tell me which player is more "robust".