Best SACD player for the money - Marantz SA-11S1

My sense is that the Ed Meitner unit is the best SACD together with the Esoteric DV-50. However, after a lot of research on the net my sense is that there is a new player that is in the same top notch category for a lot less. This is the Marantz SA-11S1. Two channel - Great. I am not interested in five channels. My sense is that it is a great value for about $ 3,000. Looking for folks that have the player and hear their experience compared to the other top notch players. I currently have a Sony SCD-C555ES and think the Marantz will be a lot better than a Modified Sony unit. Thanks for responding.
You should also include the new Denon DVD-5910 on your list. It has received several exceptional reviews that have lauded both its video and audio performance.
If you mod a Denon 3910 by one of the modders like Modwright or Apl you will get a far superior sound to the stock Marantz. It also has top notch video.
for the $3k for the marantz you could purchase a used scd-1 and have the full vse mods done,for a total of close to $3k, and have a player my opinion...would be much better on both redbook discs and sacds. i have both the kern mods and vse mods on my scd-1 and the only player that sounds better..again the meitner combo.just a thought....
Or, you could buy the Marantz SA-11, break it in and enjoy it, then send it to Tube Research Labs for their mod, at a modest $550.

I, too, have heard great things about the SA-11.