Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used

could you guys help me out? i'm kind of confused choosing what CD player i should use, I already got Dynaudio contour 3, Pre-amp is Pass Labs X 2.5, Amplifier is Pass Labs X150 or X250, so which CD player would match up well with my system? thank you much

If you want soundstage depth that will knock your socks off, you should get a tube Jolida JD100. Put NOS tubes in it and you will be surprised. No SS CD player I have ever tried even comes close to this (Arcam CD23 and Classe 1.5 included). Arthur
Buy one of the used Ack dac's for $300 and mate it with a $45 Toshiba 3960 DVD player and you will have a CD player far above what you expect and as good as any mentioned above. I have owned the Arcam, Opus 21,AA Prima, Consonance 2.0 Reference and this combo is every bit as good. yep, spend only $350.

Ditto on the Audio Research CD-2 mentioned above. How about the good old Sony CDP-XA7ES? I just listed my Audio Research DAC-5 for sale hereon. I believe it to sound slightly better than the CD-2 when connected to a decent transport with a decent cable (at least in my system).
I would go for a Monarchy DAC/preamp and a transport of your choise such as a Vecteur, PS Audio, CEC.
Second Grannyring's idea.You can't beat it for the money, or a lot more. I'm using a Tosh 3950 with an Ack dAck and when playing CDs it walks all over my $2K Sony XA777ES.