Is SACD a dead format?

From what I can glean, it seems that Sony is giving up on SACD? I can find no SACD's at my local store, and have to order them online. What a shame, are we all doomed to listening to mp3s in the future?
Does 200 gram 45 rpm vinyl appeal to the current mass market? No?! Well then, by this same measure, it must be a dead format as well.

Music is like wine, buy what YOU like, regardless of what the reviewers or market trends have to say.
Mmmm but isn't there a big problem with the availablity of music?

Surely the point is to hear ALL music in it's best reproduced state rather than being left with what niche labels can deliver?

Or maybe it doesn't.
I used to think this was premature, such as suggesting that vinyl was dead which now is flurishing, but the latest universal players make redbook so go that I no longer really care. However, I have been buying a fortune in new sacds which would suggest that it might not replace cds but still can fulfill my needs.
I think that Sony's embrace of DualDisc was the clear message for me that they are moving on. Too bad. I think SACD is a fantastic format and there are around 3000 titles available which would more than double my cd collection if I bought them all. So I'm just gonna keep scooping them up until they disappear.

Did anyone else ever wonder why a company the size of Sony never, to my knowledge, advertised SACD? The only thing resembling an ad for SACD was the explanation of the format that you get inside any SACD made by Sony/Philips. That's bright! They should have advertised to people who didn't know about the format, don't you think? Most people I know have never heard of SACD, unless I told them about it.

Maybe they will start developing compelling transports, DACS and cables for redbook