Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???
I also had the Meitner and sold it to get the Reimyo. I prefer the Reimyo, but to me the biggest difference was in build quality. The Reimyo, besides being a one box solution, has absolute incredible build quality.
Some say its the best in the world. But what puzzles me is that the some who have reviewed it says it sounds harsh on cds that aren't audiophile quality. I say what's the point because 300 of my cds are not from audiophile labels. For example, Billy Joel, U2, Elton John, Sting, Pink Floyd etc.

But I won't pass final judgement until I have one in my system.
I have heard both head to head (however, we are talking dac 6 / philips transport vs Reiymo). In most ways, I found them to be equals...detail, resolution, soundstage, etc. However, I would agree that the reiymo sounds sexier, more musical if you will. The Reiymo reminds of the best qualities of the meitner + the best qualities of the audio areo. If I had to choose, my hat tips to the Reiymo (and I own the DCC2/philips). The meitner transport / DCC2 combo may change the results..who knows. I choose to stick with my meitner rig for two reasons. 1. I am overly pleased with it and have no complaints. It is everything I need. 2. I hate trying to match digital players with pre-amps. It is my audio pet peave. I never seem to nail it. I love the dcc2's built in pre-amp and thus It is not going anywhere. Meitner did the system matching for me (I have been through a number of pre-amps)...and irrespect of whether the dcc2's pre-amp is world class or not....I love it!
One thing I noticed is that the Reimyo did soudn just OK w a hybrid SACD I used. It sounded slightly lost. I can't say more as I needed more time. The designer was in the room. He commented it was a poor recording & put on an XRCD which sounded significantly better.

The SACD I listened (Jim Hall Concierto Mobile Fidelity Label) to did sound very good as SACD on the EMM gear. In fact better than on the Reimyo. I do think even SACD & CD players have "biases" in sound. Similar to gold coiled vs copper coiled phono cartridges. It would be great to have the funds for 2 tonearms, sorry I mean 2 digital front ends.