Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???
I have heard both head to head (however, we are talking dac 6 / philips transport vs Reiymo). In most ways, I found them to be equals...detail, resolution, soundstage, etc. However, I would agree that the reiymo sounds sexier, more musical if you will. The Reiymo reminds of the best qualities of the meitner + the best qualities of the audio areo. If I had to choose, my hat tips to the Reiymo (and I own the DCC2/philips). The meitner transport / DCC2 combo may change the results..who knows. I choose to stick with my meitner rig for two reasons. 1. I am overly pleased with it and have no complaints. It is everything I need. 2. I hate trying to match digital players with pre-amps. It is my audio pet peave. I never seem to nail it. I love the dcc2's built in pre-amp and thus It is not going anywhere. Meitner did the system matching for me (I have been through a number of pre-amps)...and irrespect of whether the dcc2's pre-amp is world class or not....I love it!
One thing I noticed is that the Reimyo did soudn just OK w a hybrid SACD I used. It sounded slightly lost. I can't say more as I needed more time. The designer was in the room. He commented it was a poor recording & put on an XRCD which sounded significantly better.

The SACD I listened (Jim Hall Concierto Mobile Fidelity Label) to did sound very good as SACD on the EMM gear. In fact better than on the Reimyo. I do think even SACD & CD players have "biases" in sound. Similar to gold coiled vs copper coiled phono cartridges. It would be great to have the funds for 2 tonearms, sorry I mean 2 digital front ends.
I just wanted to make sure that you realize the Reimyo isn't a SACD player, it's just a redbook cd player.
Brianmgrarcom: Reimyo is a line of Japanese electronics made be the people who do the Harmonix cables and anti-resonance products. It's gotten a few rave reveiws in the press.
Jond, I appreciate you addressing my question. I am surprised I have not heard of it before.
