Looking for quality CD changer

A friend is looking for a CD changer to complement B&W Nautilus 805 speakers and has a budget of about $500-1000. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. My own suggestion might be one of the Sony SACD changers (e.g. 333ES) used, but other ideas would be appreciated. My friend's dealer has suggested a Rotel RCC 1055.

The 555ES is less buggy than the 333ES althought now that my 333 has been repaired, it works great. I would look into the Rotel as well.

The CAL changers are aging and prone to faliures with no support from the compnay so... Anthem also had a tubed CD changer that got good reviews but it isn't the latest technology either. Arthur
Anthem makes a 7 disc elevator style changer that is worth looking into. Usually used around 650-750 dollars.