Mating power cords with APL 3910

While waiting for my (Denon) APL 3910 to arrive, I need some help in coming up with a short list of power cords to audition with it. In addition to listing the PCs you liked best with this unit, it would be most helpful if you could provide some specificity. In particular, what sonic and musical virtues are the offspring when the particular PC is mated with the APL 3910? Sonically speaking, which PCs didn't do as well with it? Are there any PCs that mate well (or don't mate well) with digital sources in general?
Thanks for the response Grant. Having said what you did though, you never provided any type of rebuttal pertaining to the facts that the outlets are all wired in daisy-chain fashion with the resultant potential for heavy current draw to modulate the AC voltage & current available to other devices or that there isn't the potential for crosstalk / cross-contamination from outlet to outlet.

Parallel filters are just that i.e. parallel to the existing path. That doesn't mean that these filters absolutely will absorb all of the incoming or outgoing noise, just that there is a parallel path to the filter for the noise to take outside of heading into the next component or back into the main AC feed.

Having said that, I would be curious as to what level of "isolation" is provided from one outlet to the other outlet within the duplex and how much isolation there is from one duplex to the next. Obviously, this would be somewhat frequency dependent, but if Shunyata has conducted the exhaustive type of R&D that you claim that they have in designing this series of products, all of this data should be readily available. For that matter, the amount of voltage / current that can be pulled from one outlet without creating sag in any other outlet within a Hydra should also be a matter of recorded data that i and many others would be interested in. I say that because others have questioned the use of a Hydra for both their amplifier(s) and line level components simultaneously.

As far as having an agenda, i'm not involved in the audio industry in any way, shape or form. I'm simply sharing my own technical observations and analysis based on the descriptive information as provided by your website and other sources that supposedly received their information directly from Shunyata. Feel free to confirm or deny any of it at your leisure, but please be at least somewhat specific in your response. Saying that something doesn't happen or isn't possible when logic dictates that such things do occur and / or are possible isn't much of a reply from a company that makes high profile, high cost products of a technical nature. Sean
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Sean, thanks for the reply. You are correct in that I did not directly address your technical points, and that is because I would not be as well equipped as Caelin (who designed the Hydras) to provide as complete an answer. I will however speak with him about your queries and get back to you asap.

I did not claim that you specifically have an agenda, but the talk forums seem to breed people that do, and some individuals seek out circular argument just for sport--and they have nothing to lose. Companies that run a legitimate business with some type of commercial profile are prime targets. I know that you do not run any type of related business, but I have also noted your comments that you are considering it, and that is not entirely irrelevant to your questions.

Related to another question about individual systems and dedicated lines/Hydras. I would prefer to answer those queries via e-mail or phone and not take up forum space with a reply.

In general, if one has multiple dedicated lines, it is always best to make use of them and separate high-current from low-current electronics. No one power distribution product can overcome the advantage of separating electronics on their own lines--which is why we make the H2's, 4's and 6's.

I can be reached via if there are other specific questions.

Sean, I will get back to you either directly or with a reply to the thread if it is still here.


I bought the Hydra 8 because along with the APL 3910 I also have plugged into it:

APL 3910
Sony 60" LCD TV
Panasonic DVD recorder
Marantz CD recorder
Denon 5803 surround sound
Denon 5900 DVD Player
Voom Satellite Reciever
Cable Hi-Def Reciever

Before Purchasing the APL 3910 I was using a Melos Preamp that was plugged into a Hydra 2 along with my Krell Amp. Now only the Krell Amp is plugged into the Hydra 2
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