Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
i'm waiting for a modded toshiba 4960 to return to me in the next week or so. feel free to contact me directly in a few weeks to get my impressions. the stock player smoothed out considerably during break-in, but is still decidedly untamed at the frequency extremes as well as having piss poor PRaT (but an IMPRESSSIVE amount of detail). these modded machines are by all accounts giant-killers, and those with machines that actually could kill a giant (if dropped from a suitable height) will likely stick with them for reasons of their own.
I started the mods thread over at AudioCircle. Check it out on the Multichannel and Digital forum.

The mods smooth out any residual digital harshness and improve the palpability of the player. The presentation and PRAT and dynamics are improved dramatically. Well worth the effort and the small cost in parts and time.

I've moved on to other projects recently and have my modded unit up for sale on the Trading Circle over there. But I wouldn't be selling it if I had my choice (wife says something must go).

Check out Ric Schultz at EVS does a $300 mod to either player. Look at info and testimonials there. Ric is a talented modder and a great guy to do business with. When I'm done with my Panny S47, I want to order a modded 4960. But by then, another more capable giant killer will have arrived. : )
There's more people jumping on it than you realize. Some just don't make public post. Some are also blinded by the notion that the more you spend on glam, the better it gets and all you have to do is plug and play. That works in some cases but not most of the time. If this were true you wouldn't have gear costing 20 grand up for sell.

I'm in the process of having my Modded Toshiba pushed to even further limits. Using multiple buffers inline and maybe even battery powering them from a separate unit. When it's done ..I doubt there will be a stock player that can touch it... on redbook play back.
There's so many ways to go it's mind boggling.

The fun is just beginning!