Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
I did not own any APL product yet. I had kept a eye on APL. I am not bias toward RAM just because I own their product. I am constant,actually, from What I experienced from RAM, I gave their shop 3 stars in my previous post.

"Your post just seem hypocritical to me", yeah! Let's see who is hypocritical ? It is you! First you claimed "Honestly I don't see what's so unfair." Then later claimed yourself "neutral". How can anyone to be "neutral" if he think what RAM did is "not Unfair".
First. RAM's test again APL 3910 is Self claimed.
Second, the APL 3910 machine used is questionable.
Third, it is even more ridicloius to claim their cheapest $700 better their competitor's $5000 machine.

Finally, anyone with an brain ought to know what is a fair test:
a.Independent council buy one of each machine from both company secretly just as an normal buyer so they don't know their machine is going to be test and won't overmod it to sky.
b.The council test A/B test the machine by using well know neutral sound reference gears in the setup, for example ,the Pre-amp& amp, Mark Levinson is well know for it neutrality and quality. For speakers there are chioces.

C, randomly choose an panel of listeners to blind do A/B test.

How can anyone claimed himself "neutral" yet said "Honestly I don't see what RAM did is so unfair." ,
one anwser: that man is HYPOCRITICAL.
Well I can break the news now. Here's a link to an article I was contracted to write for IEE Spectrum magazine.

It details the modification steps for the Toshiba 4960 and/or Samung 841 machines.

Awesome job on your article Bob!!!! When can you start on my 841??????? thanks again Chad
i have to say that i am *very* pleased with the sound of my modded toshiba with every disc i throw at it. i had a modded jolida jd100 with smooth-plate teles that i sold about a year ago or so, and as of now i don't miss it a bit. i think the outlay was about 4 times that for the toshiba. i put a paperback book with a 3# weight on top to ensure that the chassis is adequately damped. ymmv.