mother passed away - pro recording help needed

i don't know how to write this request without sounding pathetic but my mother of 62 just passed away due to a misdiagnosis and a horrible hospital mistake (many, in fact.) I'm an artist (mostly dramatic writing but also in various versions of performance art) and i have been breaking down in the most random situations because of my sorrow. I've never been witness to such grief and i think it's worth documenting (for incorporation in some later work, i'm not sure what yet.) i'd like to record myself in these moments and want the best possible sound but it must be portable since i never know when i'm going to freak out. can someone please recommend some system including a mic? I don't like mp3 or minidisc. is there something better? a dat, maybe? regardless, i'm not able to research anything under the circumstances so a detailed recommendation including all the gear i need (including prices for used and new, if possible) would be very much appreciated.

I know others have gone through tragic loses but i hope all others reading this escape such an experience. there are no words to describe the sadness. my mother, like most mothers, was a beautiful person and i'll never be the same without her.

thank you,

p.s. please excuse me if i don't answer responses or express thanks for's very hard for me to just exist right now but i will certainly be appreciative of any help, whether i'm able to respond it here or not.
I have no recommendations on recording equipment, but please let me say how sorry I am for your loss.
I am very sorry for your loss. I have had good results with a small portable tape recorder (size of a walkman) and small microphone of the kind that can be purchased at Radio Shack. My condolences.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family at this terrible time.
To answer your question: If you are willing to work in the analog domain, I have a very high quality (Sony D5M) portable stereo cassette recorder that has a decent built in mic preamp. I used it to record many a Grateful Dead show back in the day. I would be more than happy to loan it to you for your use in this project. You can contact me offlist if you are interested.
Again, my condolences.