CD...then the SACD...all over again

Look, I'm one of the biggest defenders of SACD around. I own a lot of SACDs, I try to defend the format against attacks whenever possible, and I keep up to date on new high resolution releases.

But even I can hit a breaking point. I'm SO tired of buying a Patricia Barber CD...only to have the SACD come out 6 months later (roughly). Then I get the hi-res version. Then it happens again with her next release. And her next one.

Before you know it, I've spent 40 bucks to get her SACD ($25 for that disc, plus the $15 I laid down for the Redbook version).

In a perfect world, there would be one release: a Mobile Fidelity hybrid SACD. Barring that, AT LEAST the hi- and lo-res versions could come out simultaneously.

When they're starting to alienate even me, you *know* there's a serious problem!
I share your sympathy and agree - I am in the same boat. I suppose it could be worse, however. We could be stuck with the choice of buying only the CD or low rez version. Consider us all lucky that MFSL exists in the first place. It is too bad that there is no "trade-in upgrade" policy at places like Music Direct...that would be less painful. My situation especially sucks because my Marantz 8260 will not read the MoFi's (It reads all other discs though.) Thank god for vinyl!
Eldartford, I've never gotten a satisfactory response to that question whenever I asked it. I assume it's that the producers feel that if you care enuf to by the SACD you're willing to pay the price. Not too much different when you think about it. Most highly promoted high end equipment is priced in a similar fashion. IMHO.
Viridian--it's not like we're talking about Diana Krall here (aka, Hell on Earth).
Most of the time I'd rather spend time listening to Diana Krall than Patricia; to each their own. Furthermore I find it interesting an attack on Diana when there is so many choices to bash out there. I guess it falls once again to each their own again
Brianmgrarcom, Viridian, and Thedautch. You present such an opportunity to be an equal opportunity asshole...IMHO, if your wanted to hear a REAL jazz singer, not some wanta be, you'd listen more to Shirly Horn. :-) :-) Oh crap, I forgot, she's probably not recorded in the SACD format. Sorry...........