Help with next CDP upgrade...

I have pretty much decided that I am not going to go the SACD route since I already have so many CDs and no SACDs at all. I have some LPs and I have a TT that I am happy with. Ok, my current CDP is a Pioneer transport, heavily modded by Modwright, modded way back when they were modding Pioneers, and from the Pioneer transport, I have a Cardas digital cable going to a Bel Canto DAC 1.1. I really like the DAC, so I think I will keep that. HOwever, I modded the CDP when I was starting with my system and the rest of the components weren't much. Now most everything else I have is head and shoulders above the Pioneer which makes my Pioneer source the weakest link in the chain, I think.

What is the next logical upgrade? What transport can I get that will surpass a heavily modded Pioneer CDP? Is buying another CDP and modding that the way to go? I want to go better but I don't want to break the bank.

Thanks in advance..
Tpsonic, buying the Cardas cable and getting the Bel Canto DAC, both used, was specifically to be used with the Pioneer as a transport. I spent $200 for the cable, $200 for the Pioneer CDP, $500 for the Bel Canto, $600 to soup up the Pioneer (including Bybee filters), and $150 to upgrade the Bel Canto from 1.0 to 1.0. Now that I see it, I spent alot on this setup; however, I didn't spend it all in one shot. It took a span of about a year to get it all together and that doesn't include the different digital cables I tried until I settled on the Cardas.

An all-in-one CDP solution would be nice to have.
I have heard your Bel Canto at my local dealer...and its a pretty impressive unit...not sure exactly what changes/improvements you are looking for...sounds like you have roughly $1650 invested in your digital front end which is a tidy sum...the above mentioned idea to go to a single box seems to be a good one based on simplicity alone...however the upgrade may prove marginal after monkeying with selling your current gear,etc...tough decision...I would personally see if you could do a home demo with a high end single box unit...and based on that comparison...make a decision to see if upgrading would be beneficial...there are many who could offer suggestions on makes/ already appreciate good sound...and it may seem strange to offer a suggestion from a product i have not had the pleasure of hearing....but Meridian cdps are legendary for their cd playback...anyway...hopes this helps and sorry for rambling...happy 4th