Best Artists/Tracks at Chord Changing

Sometimes I find myself listening to Tom Petty and wondering why I like him so much. Then I realized that I love his rhythmic chord changes. A couple of tracks come to mind: Rebels and I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better. Then, of course, there is American Girl (even the Taylor Swift cover is good). Others?
My favorite chord changes are mostly lean towards Steely Dan.
Green Book, Peg, Josie, Haitian Divorce, Deacon Blues
Much more sophisticated if study what Alan Holdsworth does, but be aware not to go mad. Many jazz folks would say that he's out of real human possibilities.
Petty often favors those ringing open major key chords. There are lots of others who bark up that tree, but rather than listing them here (one LONG list), I'd suggest that you might check out Pandora. Create a "Tom Petty" channel and Pandora will seek out similar music. It's far from perfect, but the odds are pretty good that you'll find a lot of what you're after.

BTW, Petty's songwriting is so archetypal in so many ways that I always joke to my wife (a huge Petty fan and a huge Pandora fan) that - no matter who you enter in Pandora - it will eventually end up back at Tom Petty.

Steely Dan, Holdsworth, Ponty, Happy The Man, Prokofiev, Ravel, Chicago, The Mars Volta.
Tom uses sus chords a lot i think, which he then resolves back to the root chord
I don't see anything hard or extraordinary to juggle with sus chords. Typical american guitar