Power cord upgrade on your Jolida JD-100?

After upgrading the stock tubes, it seems that the next most popular tweak or upgrade on the Jolida JD-100 is the power cord. I was just wondering what power cords current and past owners are using or have tried and their impressions on each?

I have a stock unit arriving soon and I'm eager to start some tube rolling and a PC upgrade.
I bought a stock JD100 and tube rolled over the last few months, finally finding a pair of Ei Yogo ECC83 Gray Plates.(not elite gold pins) as the best sounding in my system.

I use an Electraglide Ultra Khan 2 Revalation/Revised Statement on the JD and all my major components with excellent results.-Ken
I have tried several tubes but like the GE 5751 black plates best - at least with my current gear. Tried Signal, Kimber, MIT, and some DIY power cords but prefered my MIT Z-cord the most (it usually ends up that way). enjoy! Arthur

I haven't tried tube rolling extensively as I stuck with the RCA 3 mica black plates 5751. As for PC I ended up with a TG Audio SLVR with great results.
