Power cord upgrade on your Jolida JD-100?

After upgrading the stock tubes, it seems that the next most popular tweak or upgrade on the Jolida JD-100 is the power cord. I was just wondering what power cords current and past owners are using or have tried and their impressions on each?

I have a stock unit arriving soon and I'm eager to start some tube rolling and a PC upgrade.
Thanks to everyone for their input so far.

Foster, I'm happy to see your post on the Flavor 4's. They are a power cord I am seriously considering given the favorable reviews I've read but I didn't know if it would match well with the JD100. But after your post, I think I may give it a try. After all, I can always use it on my amp right?

Arthur, what were your impressions of the Signal Cable PC and was it their digital reference model that you tried?

Cheers, Mike
If you get the Flavor 4, I'm sure Chris will warn you about the long burn in period. I have a couple pc burn in adapters, one of them I bought from Chris. They're a must-have for most audiophiles. I had 2 Flavor 4's daisy-chained on a dehumidifier for weeks before doing critical listening. Burning in that way requires much patience however, but his 60 day trial is unbeatable.
I tried the Flavor 4 on my McIntosh integrated and it did not outperform my JPS AC+ cord. But pc's like most everything are system dependent. I've read great reviews by others on this board and at Audioasylum about what the Flavor 4 can do with amplifiers and cdps etc. It seems to be a versatile cord. I would try it out with amps and cdps etc.
Flavor 4 has been ordered (can't go wrong with a 60 day trial). I will post my impressions once I've had a chance to burn-in and audition. Thanks for everyone's input.