CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement

We are over 20 years with CD now and CD Jewel cases still use delicate hinge points. I have hard wood floors and everytime I drop a jewel case it is almost a given that one of the weak hinge points is going to break. I purchased a David Sanborn (hybrid) CD earlier this year and it had much beefier hinge points, I was hoping this was a sign of things to come, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I alone in this frustration? If not, is there a way our voice can be heard, like flooding (whomever) with emails?

You're right! They are very delicate and break regularly. Like most packaging though, it never changes until someone invents a cheaper and/or better alternative -- and I bet those new approaches are often conceived by independent inventors. Remember the tin cans that required a can opener before the flip tops came around? There's money in this! Surely one of our Audiogoners can develop a new approach and retire off the patent royalties. We'll all certainly be grateful.

While you're at it, how about a better way to get the wrapping off? ;-)
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Yeah, why not make them like SACD cases?????
And don't get me started on the cardboard things that you have to slide the cd in and out.

CD opener...I love mine.