CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement

We are over 20 years with CD now and CD Jewel cases still use delicate hinge points. I have hard wood floors and everytime I drop a jewel case it is almost a given that one of the weak hinge points is going to break. I purchased a David Sanborn (hybrid) CD earlier this year and it had much beefier hinge points, I was hoping this was a sign of things to come, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I alone in this frustration? If not, is there a way our voice can be heard, like flooding (whomever) with emails?

Tvad, I never saw Gunbei/Dean's post so maybe it's different from what I mentioned. I learned this trick 3-5 years ago from a friend of mine who owns a record shop. We where BS'ing while he was opening a CD, my jaw almost hit the floor as I watched how easy this was to get the security label off in one piece with no sticky stuff.
You dont need a tool to open them, I always spread the tabs slightly at the spine, then turn the front sideways and the jewel case sticker will pull away from the one half, then I pull off the other half and put the case back together
The cardboard, "wallet" style CD containers are the best, in my opinion. But - - - they cost quite a bit more to manufacture than the ubiquitous (and crappy) plastic ones. It's all about $$$$ !!
Tvad, I just got back to this thread. Thanks for the tip. Ditto Audiobugged. I'll have to go buy a cd just to try it out!
Here's a trick for those who like to live dangerously! Use a lighter, especially one that has the blue pin-point flame, and hit the shrink wrap for a fraction of a second. The shrink wrap will crinkle melt [upon itself] leaving a hole and will peel easily from this opening. If you use a cheapo disposable lighter you may end up with a soot smudge on the jewel case, which will wipe of with a cloth or your finger.

CAUTION! Don't use this method for a CD with a cardboard case which will scorch or discolor, or imported CD's that use a plastic wrap that feels "different"...thicker and having a "vinyl-like" feel. These will melt, and leave a sticky mess!

The shredding security sticker can be peeled off, if you use a fingernail to start the corners on BOTH sides of the jewel case...DON'T START WITH THE EDGE, A BIG MISTAKE!