Best electrostatic in smaller room? Please help!

My room is about 15' x 15' (open to the kitchen on one end). I like the sound of electrostatics and planars because of their seamless sound from top to bottom. But I've heard that they need alot of room. Can I find a particular model that will fit my room? I really appreciate your help and input!
For panel speakers, try the new maggie 1.6's. They are small enough to move around and sound excellent. Manepan also makes this really small speaker for $500 that you can use as a credit towards the 1.6 later. It is supposed to be the same sound quality but with limited lower frequencies.
I heard Sound Lab Primas in a small room like that, and there was zero imaging precision. They sounded great very quiet, but got congested with louder playback levels. The power amp was a VTL. JAZZZMAN, you should hear some really good cone/dome speakers before you dismiss them all...
close call between the ml aerius or the maggie 1.6 I would go for the maggie for two reasons one they are believe it or not much easier to place than the martin logan and two they are much cheaper as an alternative maybe the mg-12 much cheaper still
I agree with Jazzman about the Soundlabs (what I own), and with John_1 on the Maggies. Both are excellent choices in electrostatic design. Carl is correct about some cone speakers being excellent, but your topic is close to my heart in asking about screens, they are what I evolved to after owning (many of) each of the major types of speaker designs.