What's driving your 805's

Just for kicks, I'm curious to see what other amps and subwoofer configurations are being used by B&W 805 owners.
I'm happily paired with an Adcom 5802 and REL Storm III.
My Nautilus 805's sound fantastic paired with the Electrocompaniet ECI-4 integrated amp (of all my gear, these 2 pieces are the only ones that my wife makes me promise never to sell). Bass hopefully to be augmented in the near future with a recently purchased Genesis 900 sub.
I hd a GFP750/5802 combo running my 805 Matrix III's but liked thepre in active mode except it was too much power and had to use passive.Myny folks say B&W need SS grunt but I also had nice resukts withsome tube stuff in the 45-90 watta range (CJ and Mesa Baron).Problem with B&W'has been where the sensitivity is high the ipedance swings can make lower power not cut it.But I think you might want to read about and try other amps as I don't think you need that much power.How about those new Bel Canto's?Anyway wondering why you didn't mention the pre-amp you used?