Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound

Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound
I vote Mutt, No wait...Jeff! What's the last thing Mutt said again? Mutt, Jeff, Mutt, Jeff....shi*! How many times can you vote?

What was the question again?

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
~ Hunter S. Thompson
(or did Sean say that over at AA?)
I miss Bascom King, EV Pisha and Ed Long on cartridges/turntables, and even Bert White, ET Canby &Heyser, RIP. Audio's measurements actually meant something, unlike the foolishness "Sfool" gives you. Fremer can be candid, too bad he isn't more technical. As far as their pretense to measure, I assert if you are reviewing an amp, why not measure it with the speakers that the reviewer is using? At least AS makes no pretense in this direction.
I agree with you guys. There may not have been a better "glossy" than Audio when it was running at full stride. Good writing, music reviews, a healthy blend of subjective sonics and "technicalese", the occasional article that covered subjects that you never knew could be so interesting or informative, etc... Besides that, who could forget all of Professor Lirpa's "kick ass" audio products : )

As to the October issues, i agree with you folks. They are a wealth of information of products from days gone by. If you are interested in purchasing something of this nature in the future, Marty and Laura of Bound For Sound is "thinking" about doing something like this. Please contact them via their website and let them know your thoughts on the subject. Sean
Wide Screen review is a good magazine. They have some interesting stuff in there.
I've finally stopped subscribing to both of them. If I need to know something, I can ask and get it here.