Best of the small speakers

I'm looking for a small, preferably floorstanding speaker that will integrate well with my current system and room. My main source is a California Audio Labs CL-20 DVD/CD player, through a Rotel RC-995 preamp, into a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe (which will be upgraded to Revision B by Steve McCormack himself in the very near future). My current speakers are Magnepan 1.6QRs. While I absolutely love many of the Maggies traits, they don't seem to integrate well into my fairly small listening space. As far out from the wall as I can move them, about 30 inches, I still get what sounds to me to be a fairly ragged frequency response. For reference, I have pretty electic listening tastes, from baroque to bebop to bluegrass, but the majority of my music is fairly complex, with many simultaneous melodic or rhythmic lines, on both acoustic and electric instuments. Accurate, timbrally-true bass is more far more important to me than rattling the windows. Any suggestions for speakers roughly in the Maggie's price range ($1500-$2500) which you feel would fit well into my system would be appreciated. Just trying to narrow down my shopping list. One speaker which has drawn my attention is the Thiel CS 1.5s, but I know there must be others I am missing! Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Meadowlark Kestrals if the room is smaller than 12 x 15. Paragon Acoustics Radiants, or Meadowlark Shearwaters if it's bigger than that. BUT, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, you need to have proper room treatments, or you'll never have smooth in-room response, no matter the speaker. I have Maggie MMG's, among others, and you just aren't hearing anything without ASC Frescoes behind the Maggie (with additional rounds in the corners really smoothing out the bass response, and speed). I realize that the 1.6's tweeters are perhaps already a little too padded down for this (without any resistors), so with them it might be a lost cause. Anyway the reason to move away from Maggies is if you like to get as much dynamic contrast as possible, when listening QUIETLY (they don't come alive as well when quiet). Or, if you need to be fairly close to them (since they don't launch sound coherently until further away from the panel). Good luck.
I believe i know why you don't like maggies...they sound too "analitical" Looking at your system, you need "laid back" speakers. I never listened Meadowlark...but i heard all best (i am considering them for myself)although with low powered tube, or low powered solid state(which i have) I would suggest Vandersteen 3A. It is THE speaker, you are asking for. and with Mc Cormack, you can provide enough of "juice" to drive them.
...if too big 2ce would do just fine. I am considering here, your musical taste...not size of the speakers Good Luck!
My first choice would be the Silverline SR17, though it may be a little out of the price range. Also very good are the Joseph Audio RM signatures. Clean, open, downright musical. Other choices would be the Soliloqy 5.3s, or some of the Proac Studio 150s or 250s, or some Montana SPs if you could find them.