The Best Speakers for a Small Room

I am looking for a pair of speakers for my relatively small (approximately 12x14 ft) listening/living room. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe power amplifer and a Meridian 506.24 CD player. I listen to a lot of different types of music, but mostly to progressive rock (Yes, ELP, King Crimson, Genesis, Gentle Giant), jam bands (Moe., Dave Matthews Band, Phish, String Cheese Incident) bluegrass, and jazz (both fusion and a lot of traditional acoustic). . . in general, very busy music. Does anyone have suggestions for speakers that would match well with my listening room size, electronics, and musical tastes? And yes, before you say it Carl, I realize that room treatment is absolutely critical and will act accordingly. I would prefer to keep the price around $1500 (new or used), but could go up to $2000 if there was something really special out there. Thanks to any and all that respond!
12 x 14 ...Very similar to my smallish room . I'll start with an idea that's mabey over the top ....There's a pair of Dunlavy SC-111's on Audioweb for about $1525 . They are a huge speaker, but sealed , so they'd work back at the rear wall . These would be best on the 14 ft wall l, spread out about 9 feet . Of course they're better in a larger room, but they would work in a 12x14 ...and they have many advantages : 91 db, great sound and will do equally well at all types of music . NHT 2.9's . Only thing these might want is an additional amp for the bass woofers ( but the DNA would be fine for now ) . This is a room friendly design ( likes being near the back wall ) and it can really rock when called upon, yet still can do a solo guitar, piano , voice etc. . A nice combination of nuance and grunt . A very good way to Go : B&W Matrix 805's mated to a nice sub . Should be able to get the 805's w/stands for $1K ,...and the M&K MX70B is a brilliant little sub that can be found used for less than $500 ( or bust the $1500 by a little and get a Sunfire Mark II if you want more impact...the M&K's strength is nuance ...) . The 805's are ported to the front meaning they can go back to the wall if needed . The N805 could also be considered ( $1450 used + stands..and I think you should find a decent stand for $200 ) . Others from the B&W line that might work : Matrix 804's . Hard to find, but very good speakers for this room : Gallo Solo speakers . The imaging and soundstage from these speakers is completely amazing . The biggest drawback is the love or hate space-age look . On the used market are usally around $1500 , though mabey it's gone up since they are no longer produced . Sonus Faber Concerto's + M&K MX70B sub ( or a REL Strata II or Sunfire II ...the REL would also work well with the other choices ) . My own bias for the best sound in this room would be Martin Logan Aerius i's ...but these speakers don't have the dynamic impact to satify many people, so they're not an unqualified recommendation . They are the best at low level detail, the most transparent, world class at many things . The biggest drawback is that even cheap bookshelf speakers can *kick* more if it's a party speaker you're after . Dynaudio Contour 1.3 Mark II . A very good all round speaker . Note that the Mark II was further upgraded, you can tell the very latest model from the funky plastic binding posts ( same as on the Nautilus series B&W's ) ..the origional Mark II's have metal posts ( not that there's anything wrong with the origional ...just saying so you know what you're buying . ) . Thiel 1.5 ,...brilliant with many kinds of music, but not complete all-rounders ( not the best with average rock/ pop ...but world class in many other ways ) . A review was added to the Stereophile archives this week . I agree with Sam Tellig's take on the speakers . I've read other reviews that claim these speakers are a fine choice for rock music, but I just can't agree with that ( though I love the speakers ) . For me they are a speaker I'd like to have to use for the music the excell at ,but I'm not sure I'd want them as my only speakers . Speakers I haven't heard that might be worth investigating : Meadowlark , Platinum Audio, Dynaudio 70 , Spendor, etc. . I think the safest bet and the most likely to please, stay in budget recommendation would be the Martix 805's + sub . A very good all round solution ,...for many people the 805's were the favorite in the Matrix line ... Regards, Martin .
The Biro L/1 available factory direct from Audio by Van Alstine at is $1,500 a pair. Waiting time is usually around six weeks.
Audio Physics Steps. Specifically designed for small rooms. It has holographic imaging that is jaw dropping. Also, consider a pair of used SPICA TC-50s. If your going to go the true bookshelf route try the Linn Tukans.