Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound

Help!! I am searching for recomendations on speakers with a very small footprint and big-speaker sound + solid bass? My room is approx. 12 x 28 with 10' ceilings and hardwood floors. Don't let price get in the way of your receomendations. Thank you!!!!
are you closed to the idea of using a sub-woofer? If you'll go with a quality unit, the world of possibilities will open up regarding your speaker choices. Good luck!
I use Audio Physic Virgo's in my 16x12 room. They do like midroom placement, but still sound good at one end of the room. They don't sound like a 'big' speaker, but do sound excellent.
Try Thiel l.5s. Have them in fairly large living room & the sound excellent. Need good amp - I am using with CJ Premier 11A
i highly recommend the hotrod version of any of the meadowlark speakers. i'm using the kestrel hotrods in my smallish living room. although the bass does not announce itself very prominently, as a result of the transmission line construction, the low-end extension is astonishing for a 6.5" woofer. you won't get booming bass, but you'll get a great musical sound across the whole range. the bass on the shearwater and heron is even better. from what i've seen, its hard to beat the price and small footprint of the meadowlarks for comparable sound. i'm sure there is better for a lot more money.
Have a listen to the PMClb1 Rep is Bryston Canada.Transmission line design.Classified as nearfield monitor, used by recording engineers to master sound tracks.I have a pair and amazed how big they sound.