new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K

HI GANG---i need some help and thoughtful advice. i posted a few days ago about tweaks to my 10 yo B&W 802 serIII.
a $1600 c/o upgrade +the cost to install is just tooooo much. REPLACE???? after ten years, why not????
RIG: sony 777es-kimber select 1021[rca to xlr]--pass X2--Harm tech prosil II xlr--pass aleph1.2[200watts@8/300@4]
MUSIC: almost everything-aoustic jazz, chamber to large scale classical, rockn' roll & r&b
ROOM: 35'X30 lively/lots of windows covered w/ wood/plaster walls/tile over cement slab/ rugs, bass/low freq control devices. i'm in miami, fl 33133. dealer rec's??HELP!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbob52r
Bob52r, based on your 6/29 post I believe that Piega, Avalon, and Audio Physic speakers could match your taste. Another option to consider is a stat (a medium-sized Soundlab perhaps?). I have never listened to the speakers above with your amps, so I'm just extrapolating. But Alephs are great machines! Good luck!
Bob52r -

Thanks for replying above. Your criteria are reasonable and well thought-out.

The Audio Physic suggestion sounds like a good one to me. My impression is that the line has a sweet, warmish balance, and there is a definite sonic family resemblance up and down the line. I mention this in case you get a chance to hear one of their models - you can fairly reliably extrapolate up & down the line.

Used Talon Chorus X is another possibility, as are the Piegas. I don't sell any of these, but at one time or another they were each on my short-list.

I have gravitated towards speakers that have extremely low levels of boxy coloration, perhaps because of my attraction to big, full-range electrostats. Models I have which fall within your criteria are the Gradient Revolution and Buggtussel Lemniscus. I'm quite comfortable offering in-home auditions.

Best wishes!
Hififarm- Please except my apology, allow me to elaborate... First of all they are just boxes and lack any sense of style(a major no no for me), secondly as far as finishes go I was aware of the upgraded painted finishes, but I am spoiled having seen the likes of Avalon premium finishes(which when I get rid of my current avalons is a must on the next pair), Verity premium finish(though these are pretty much boxes as well), and of course the Talon Khorus X- a great finish in the burl wood- I am sure there are many others that I am leaving out but these are what comes to mind. The idea of paying a few thousand to get premium paint just seems foolish, I can send them out to be painted-any color I want- for much less. ~Tim
audiokinises--how would i arrange home demo's of the lines you suggest. local dealers hold up a cross when they hear the words: "home demo" i am in miami, fl 33133. i would not feal comfortable w/o a local "in shop demo" first; and after i kick some tires first, then i'm ready to talk about home demo's before a final decision. i respect the time and the investment that an audio salon has in its business and would not want to put someone out w/o me being relatively sure about what i'm doing. i don't demo speakers for a hobby. music is what helps me keep my sanity in this crazy, streesful world. good sound works much more effectively than recreational controled substances--unfortuneately the are both very expensive.