I am looking for a good used ss amp for magnepan 1.6QR speakers and there are alot of them out there for good prices. My source is a linn Genki with variable output. I am considereing Plinius 8150, bryston 3bst or 4bst, arragon 8008, muse 160, belles 150a, or pass labes. The input needs to be sensitive cuase the linn isn't too dynamic on it's variable out.
There are alot of good choices, but again I must repeat myself. If the bryston amps are good enough for the founder of Magnaplanar to own, than trust me the Bryston amps [4bst or the 3bst]will sound great with the 1.6 maggies
rogue mono blocks will work ok but a krell in the ksa series will work well as will a audio research 100.2
I have heard the Bryston on this speaker and it's excellent. The best solid state I've heard on it, though (keeping in mind I'm a tube-lover), is the Sonogy Black Knight. Very sweet sounding combination. Not too many of them around, though, used.