Amp/Pre-amp for Vandersteens

I am looking to move up from my present system. Want to stay with VAndersteen 2cis. Front end is mostly CAL 10 changer with ocassional vinyl, so I need a phono stage. Total budget approx. $2500. Any thoughts appreciated. I am seriously considering McCormack DNA 0.5 or 1 DLX. Probably want to go SS or hybrid. Presently running ARC SP9 MKII and NYAL Moscode 300.
......I can't help you with a phono stage, but there's another thread today that covers that very topic-- and it looks like some good info in it. Cheers. Craig
I recently sold my Rogue model 88 to a guy who was using the Mccormack.He say the Rogue is a much nicer sounding unit.Go with a Rogue.I upgraded to the Rogue 120 Monoblocks.
Vandersteens are at their best with GOOD tubes. If you move up I'd stay with tubes. I'd suggest the ARC VT 100 Amp. Carey
Thanks guys. I am going to go with the DNA 0.5 DLX (think I have a deal here on Audiogon). I will report back and then probably hold off on the preamp for a while.
I have had my vandersteen 3aSigs hooked up to tube amps and solid state. I think they are actually pretty good with solid state. Usually I prefer tubes by a mile, but not so with the vandersteens. It's about 50-50. Better midrange, but inferior bass with the tubes. Vandersteens are the most forgiving high end speaker I have ever heard.